NT privilege
- If you receive the NT privilege check it is determined that you are running
- an NT system or an unknown OS system. When the program first runs it has
- to write to the registry to set certain keys in order for JewelPro to associate
- the icon types to the program. This is to allow you to be able to double click
- a file project from explorer to open it.
- You will have to have administrative privileges set to write to the registry.
- If you have to check with your administrator or you are unsure
then you can choose no to bypass this dialog for now, but will display the next time the
program is run. Then leave both boxes unchecked.
- If you do not care about opening files from explorer then you can check the
- box at the bottom of the dialog to not display this dialog anymore. You may
- also choose to attempt to write the keys, If the write fails you will be displayed
- an error dialog box.
- If you know you do not have administrative privileges and don't care about
- opening files from explorer then you can check both boxes at the bottom of
- the dialog and the message will not display anymore.
- If you have administrative privileges then to write the keys, and not display
- the message then check the top box only and choose yes.